Cinema “Grivita” – Situație juridică neclară.
Obiectiv monitorizat prin programul SOC MOD! Cinema “Grivita” – Situație juridică neclară. Fostului cinema Grivița a fost privatizat în 2008. În 2013 s-a emis o autorizație de construire – Primărie Sector 1 – extindere și supraetajare a unui imobil cu funcțiunea de birouri, regim de înălțime 2S+D+P+7E+8Retras. Negăsind în 12 luni un investitor naiv acordul a expirat. În ultimii 2 ani se află pe rolul instanțelor judecătorești un dosar în care Primăria cere că fostul administrator să-i predea cinematograful. Revnim cu detalii. București, România, Construit în anii 60. Proiect București. English translated Cinema “Grivita” – Uncertain legal situation. The former Grivita Cinema was privatized in 2008. In 2013, a building permit was issued by Sector 1 Council for extension and overbuilding, for an office building with the height regime 2B + DB + G + 7F + 8 Withdrawn. Unable to find a naive investor within the 12 months term, the agreement expired.For the last two years, a court case in which the City Hall asks the former administrator to hand over the cinema has been pending. To be continued. Bucharest, Romania, Built in the 60s. Proiect București . COPYRIGHT. The content of this site belongs to BACU and our […]
Romanian Seaside
Tourism has been increasingly developing in Romania from the 1930’s when the nuclei of the resorts, characterized by small isolated buildings, were extended to reproduce urban design. From the 1930’s to the 1960’s, the foundations for the mass tourism were set. During the second half of the 20th century and under the supervision of the architect Cezar Lazarescu, the Romanian coastline experienced massive development with the construction of numerous resorts. These centralized projects aimed at integrating accommodation areas, taking into consideration the specific landscape, shoreline configuration, local traffic and infrastructure etc. These resort complexes, based on land systematization and planning, increased the hotel capacity. They each had their own individual identities and hosted new tourist accommodation types, principally leisure, recreation and treatment. Underlying this development the planners’ aspirations were to build leisure facilities besides the accommodation spaces. Currently, a large number of hotels on the Romanian seaside are in an advanced state of degradation. The state of decay is the result of either uncertain legal status or lack of funds. Degradations appeared mostly due to the lack of maintenance, while some of the buildings give the impression of having been abandoned. The Neptun-Olimp ensemble is a spa resort situated in the […]
The building is situated at 29/2 Arheolog Ion Casian-Suruceanu Street, on the periphery of the “Valea Trandafirilor” Park, near the Republican Clinical Hospital. In the mid-70s due to the housing needs, local authorities decided to build a block of flats for small family units. It was designed and built between 1978 and 1986 by the architect O. Vronski and the engineer A. Marian, in collaboration with O. Blogu, S. Crani, N. Rebenko and P. Feldman. In terms of structural engineering, the building is an important achievement of 70s-80s – all the living units on all 16 levels are designed and built in console, thus enhancing the slender image of the building – a rare shape for that time. After the 90s, these social housings for small family units changed their status into “residential apartments” after being privatized by the owners. Going back to the time of USSR, we find all architectural design controlled by political authorities’ directives. For that reason, each person had an area of 6 square meters assigned in the concept phase of the project. The principle of the housing unit/housing cell was applied, consisting of two rooms assigned to each two people, with a hall and a […]